Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Contents page research!

This contents page is from Q magazine. I like how this contents page carries on with the colour scheme throughout. I also like on this page how the page numbers are on the photos. I am going to do this in my contents page. 

This is the contents page from Q magazine.  It is set out in a block form as the stories are all in one box and then pictures are separate to the writing. They have carried on with their red and white colour scheme which runs through all of their front covers. I am going to make sure that I keep the same colour scheme throughout the whole magazine. The biggest picture is Lana Del Rey who is on the front cover of this magazine. This shows that she is the main story of this issue of the magazine, also the photo shows a different side to Lana with blood on her face which makes the reader wonder why and want to read on. I am going to have a story behind each photo which can show different emotions to make it interesting for the reader. 
This is a simplistic contents page as it has a plain white background with all of the writing in black or blue. I am going to make my contents page simplistic and easy to read. This contents page has the top music charts on the left hand side which is different to other contents pages from other magazines. I won't do this with my contents page as I think it makes the page look too busy and it doesn't really fit in well with the theme. For some of the stories instead of using all words they have put photo's with page numbers, I like this as it gives off different looks so I will do this for my contents page. 
This is another contents page from Q magazine.  They have put a much larger photo on this page of a band which  shows that they are going to be a main feature in this article. I am going to do this with my contents page as it helps the reader locate which bits they want to read. This contents page is a bit different to others as it has a 'Review' section in the bottom right hand corner. This is a good way of grouping together different pages making it easier for the reader to find which bits to go to.
This contents page is from MOJO magazine and it is a lot different to the others that I have looked at as it only has one photograph on it and all of the features are on the left side. The features also haven't been grouped together like usual contents pages do. Also it doesn't say contents page anywhere on the page, just the name of the magazine which isn't a convention of a contents page. At the bottom of the page, there is a quote from the interview inside the magazine, I will do this on my contents page as it gives a teaser for the reader. There is 2 colours used on this page, black and yellow on a grey background which gives off a simplistic look.

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