Tuesday 26 March 2013

Vibe Decisions!

I want my magazine to be fun and easy to read.
I don't want anything too serious and it is going to have a mixture of music in it
I want to make the magazine look stylish and modern

Sunday 17 March 2013

Black and White!

Today I changed my photos for the double page spread from colour to black and white. I did this on photoshop:

Saturday 16 March 2013

Beep Beep!

Today in the lesson, I made my barcode on PhotoShop. I watched a YouTube video tutorial to help me.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6B47JUwrv8 - This is the address for the tutorial I watched.

This is what my barcode looked like in the end, I turned it vertical so that it would fit down the side of my front cover discreetly. 

Friday 15 March 2013

The Article!

I have written an interview for my double page spread, I chose to do a question and answers type interview rather than a feature article as it was the most popular choice in my survey which I did. This is the article...

Congratulations on your first ever Grammy! How did it feel when you collected your award from fellow Brit and hugely talented Ed Sheeran? 
It was honestly amazing, I never expected to be nominated let alone winning. As for Ed, well I was in total ore of him when I got up on stage, truly speechless and that’s not like me!
How long did ‘Victory’ take to complete as you wrote all of the songs on the album yourself?
Over all it took me about 3 years to finish it all off and be 100% happy with it. For me it wasn’t about how fast I could get an album out there, it was much more of a diary for me. I needed to go through life experiences and in the process I’d write them all down and join them together. It was tough but the end result was definitely worth it.
What did you do to celebrate when the album was complete?
[begins to laugh] Well I obviously went out and enjoyed myself with a few of my close friends and family. Nothing major like the papers made out. -Kimberly was seen stumbling out of Mahiki bar in the early hours of the morning, looking slightly worse for wear. I was definitely caught off guard when the pap got me. 
You’re only 21, how do all of your friends react to your huge success and all the publicity that comes with it?
Many of my friends are still at university so I don’t really get to see them much. Living in London now also makes it a lot harder but all of them are fully supportive. I live with my best friend Paige as she is here in London studying fashion so it’s like a fun party house. I do have the best of friends, I couldn’t ask for a better bunch.
Did you know from a young age that this is the career path you wanted to take?  
It’s not actually. I’ve always loved singing but from a very young age I always dreamed of becoming a doctor. I got all of my grades to carry on following that dream from college but I had also been writing music. It then clicked that I would love to do this as my job so I went around a few labels, not expecting anything. A few weeks later, after I had enrolled in university, I got a call from Right Records wanting to sign me. 
Did you sign to them straight away?
When I got the call I was in so much shock, I couldn’t believe it. The first person I rang was my mum and she told me to go for it and I had nothing to lose. So as soon as I came off the phone to her, I called them straight back accepting. The next week I was in the studio, it was such a fast process, I was definitely one of the lucky ones.
You’ve made friends within the record label, are you planning on any collaborations in the near future?                                      
Yeah I do have a few things in the pipeline. I don’t want to give too much away because it is all a working progress at the minute but it is very exciting. I have met some incredible and                                                                                                                                               truly talented people in the past few years. 
Many of your singles are written about being unlucky in love, are you still single?
I didn’t actually intend on so many of the songs off the album to be about my love life but things happen in life and when things so significant happen writing songs helps me through it. I apologize to all my ex-boyfriends though!-laughs- And yes I am still single but I am also having a good time. I don’t really have much time to be in a serious relationship at the minute, everything is just work, work, work. 
So you and Max from The Wanted are strictly just friends?[Kimblerly recently has been seen cosying up to Max on holiday]
-smiles- Me and Max get on really well and we have been close friends for a while now. We are both super busy at the moment so, no, nothing is happening although he is a lovely boy.
Is there any plans on making your second album yet? Or do you just want to have a break before you begin to write again? 
I have started to write some stuff but nothing is set in stone just yet. I think I will probably have about 3 months off before I get into the studio again. As they always say, the second album is always the hardest.
When you were younger who were the singers/bands which you looked up to the most? 
I loved all of the classic bands such as Oasis and The Beatles. I also used to listening to music with my parents at dinner
and parties so I had a much more old school music taste to my other friends. It’s crazy to think that some of the people I used to listen to when I was a child, I now class as friends.
We also saw you recently front row at London Fashion Week...  
That was a great week! I’m really into fashion and always have been so to be asked to go and be front row was truly incredible. I was lucky enough to go backstage and I met Cara Delevingne who is amazing, she was such a lovely girl.
You were also voted on the Best Dressed list for the dress you wore to The Grammy’s, which designer were you wearing?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        As I mentioned before I have been a huge fan of fashion for many years. I was always in my mum’s wardrobe and dressing up, so being on the best dressed was a great feeling. As for the designer, I just wore a dress from Topshop, I’m not really into wearing a lot of designers. I would much prefer to have a lot of clothes from the high street than one or two items from a designer. I mean I would love to be able to afford my whole wardrobe full of designers but I definitely am a saver over a spender.
Thank you very much for talking to us today and all of us from Vivid wish you the best for the future                                                 
Thanks for having me!

 Kimberley’s album ‘Victory’ is out now available for download and in stores. £9.99. 

This is what my double page spread looks like so far without any of my pictures on. 

Thursday 14 March 2013

DPS photos!

2 of the photos on my double page spread I changed into black and white on photoshop.
This makes the main photo stand out much more as it is in colour.

The 2 photos in black and white are suppose to represent the 'Alter Ego' of Kimberley where as the main photo is much more of a studio shot.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Writing time!

I am starting to think about what my article is going to be like. From my research I found that people would prefer an interview over a feature article so I am going to take this into consideration.
I am going to do question and answer style questions as they are easy to read and people are more likely going to read the whole thing rather than leaving it towards the end.
I am going to have questions about their music but also about their personal lives.

Monday 11 March 2013

Survey Monkey!

For part of my research I created a survey on 'surveymonkey.com' asking people various questions.

1. What is your favourite type of magazine?
2. What colour would you like to see running through a music magazine?
3. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
4. How many images would you like to see throughout the magazine?
5. What are your favourite types of articles?






The things that I am taking forward towards my magazine decisions are:
- Variety of music types
- Lime green colour scheme
- Priced between £2-£3
- Even amount of pictures and text
- Queston and answers interview

Friday 8 March 2013


Today in my media lesson I got started on creating the outline basis of my front cover and contents page. 
This is the start of my front cover. I have decided to go with a lime green colour. I am going to make that my colour scheme throughout. I also made my own barcode which I placed at the bottom right of the page. 

Thursday 7 March 2013

Wednesday 6 March 2013


I want my models to be happy and smiley as I dont want my magazine to be taken too seriously and I want the reader to be comfortable. I am going to choose models who are around 17/18 as that is how old some of my target audience are so they will be able to relate to the models well.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Get involved!

If you could please take a spare few moments of your time to complete my questionnaire to help me make a few decisions it would be much appreciated, thanks!


Monday 4 March 2013

Getting started!

Today in my media lesson, I started on my front cover of my magazine. I drafted out where I wanted things place and I also created the name 'vivid' in a bright green colour which challenges the conventions of a music magazine as a magazine has never used green before.

Target audience

My Target Audience-

I want to target my magazine at teenage boys and girls. 
It will be targeted for people who like popular music but also like different good music. 
I will make it a lot like Billboard audiences but also has some Q audiences.